New South Wales Ice Hockey Association Inc. Trading as 'Ice Hockey NSW'
Referee in Chief – Vacancy

Referee in Chief – Vacancy

Current IHNSW RIC Jason Ryan is standing down from his position. Jason has been an excellent RIC and we wish him well.

IHNSW Vacancy – RIC

The IHNSW RIC has the following responsibilities

  1. Responsible for the mentoring, coaching and advancement of all officials in state and national competitions
  2. Responsible for the delivery of officiating seminars, approving course material and subject matter
  3. Regularly liaise with IHNSW State Manager of Officiating/Referee Allocator to ensure league officiating requirements and standards are being met and maintained

This individual must have the following

  • Strong officiating background
  • Excellent communication and coaching skills
  • Ability to present to various size groups of stakeholders
  • Ability to set officiating standards that meet requirements of IHNSW’s competitions as directed by stakeholders
  • Strong leadership qualities

The IHNSW RIC directly to the board of IHNSW. This is a voluntary role.

All applications are to be emailed to the Executive Officer, Ice Hockey NSW