New South Wales Ice Hockey Association Inc. Trading as 'Ice Hockey NSW'


Update 730pm Friday 19/11/2021

Subsequent to our previous communication earlier today we have been made aware of the following:

  • A player in the 3rd Willis cup game on Sunday night (Easts vs Norths) has informed us they have tested positive.  Previously confirmed transmissions related to the second game.
  • NSW Health has informed us that an infected person attended the Canterbury rink late Wednesday night.  We have no further details of this transmission, including the source.

Those involved in the event held on Wednesday night are in the process of being contacted.

There is a possibility the Amazon League Training last night at LCC could have been exposed. The Amazon league game scheduled for Sunday morning has been cancelled.


Hello to Members, Clubs, Rinks and our Ice Hockey Community.

As previously announced,  our sport was involved in a case of community transmission last Sunday night.  We have been working with the rink and all the participants as well as NSW Health, NSW Office of Sport, SafeWork NSW and Service NSW to ensure we are doing everything we can to minimise the risk to our members, rink users and the general public.

At this stage there has been 2 cases of transmission but initial testing of many people has also resulted in several negative tests.  A large number of tests are still outstanding and thankfully those infected are not currently seriously ill.  There is some potential for transmission to other rinks and other leagues and we are doing all we can to minimise this risk.  After consulting with the proper authorities we would like the support of all members to implement the following steps.

  1. Any people attending the Canterbury rink on Sunday nights should consider themselves either to be a casual or close contact of an infected person.  Links to the appropriate health website are below.
  2. We would ask that any positive test results be reported in confidence to IHNSW so we can take further steps if appropriate.
  3. We are looking at upcoming IHNSW events for the potential for transmission and will notify if we identify potential transmission links to the Willis cup.
  4. At this stage only the Willis cup for 21/Nov has been postponed.
  5. Any club operating a league or any event at a rink should be hyper vigilant at this time.  This should involve strict enforcement of the Covid safe rules for sport and whatever rules any rink requires as well as assessing all participants for potential contact with the Willis cup participants.
  6. All participants or spectators are encouraged to carefully consider their attendance at a rink if they are feeling unwell in any way.  People who are double vaccinated may experience the mildest of symptoms.
  7. More updates will follow as we know more.