For the information of all clubs and members – please see below updated IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines:
The latest update to our guidelines includes information regarding End of Season functions.
End of season awards functions for clubs and associations are permitted to take place, in line with the relevant COVID-19 Safety Plan at the venue at which it is being hosted.
Large functions:
Corporate functions and events held on a premises that are a function centre will be permitted to have up to 300 attendees, up to venue capacity restrictions. Clubs and associations should discuss their plans with venue operators to determine requirements such as capacity limits and event formats. Functions must be seated – not standing/mingling/dancing.
Team Barbeques and Social Gatherings: From 23 October, outdoor gathering numbers have been increased to 30 pax (from 20). End of season team gatherings such as barbeques are permitted to take place, but must adhere to a maximum gathering size of 30 people in public places and at a household. Physical distancing should be adhered to for non-household groups.
Teams may wish to consider booking a table at a venue (restaurant group bookings have also been increased to 30pax) or hiring a facility that can accommodate larger gathering sizes such as community halls, however should note that they will still be required to comply with the relevant Public Health Order and COVID-19 Safety Plan requirements for that venue.
Clubs are encouraged to appoint a COVID marshal to monitor their end of season function and ensure compliance and safety of members.
The latest NSW Health and Office of Sport information is located here: https://www.sport.nsw.gov.au/novel-coronavirus-covid-19
Further information and resources can be found under the COVID-19 Information heading on the IHNSW.com.au website – top right corner