New South Wales Ice Hockey Association Inc. Trading as 'Ice Hockey NSW'
IHNSW State Team Coaching Nominations

IHNSW State Team Coaching Nominations

IHNSW is calling for nominations to Coach our NSW 2020 State Teams. The coaching positions available are:

GINSBERG: Peewee age – hosted by South Australia (August 6-9)

BROWN: 17 & over age – hosted by Victoria (TBC either October 15-18 or October 22-25)

Interested applicants must hold a minimum of Level 1 IHA Coaching Accreditation. Appointments are made for 2 years.
IHNSW will be appointing Team Managers directly, before the Team is selected.

To apply – Send an email to the IHNSW office on the contact details below and include:
– the team/age level you are interested in Coaching
– your history and experience in Ice Hockey and your qualifications to Coach the teams


Please contact the office for any further information