On 23rd March, indoor sporting venues were closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. At the time, IHNSW advised that the postponement of the 2020 Winter Season would be reviewed in one month when further information was available.
As expected, all NSW indoor sporting venues remain closed for public health and safety, and so unfortunately we confirm that this postponement will be extended until such time that the restrictions are lifted and community sport activities can resume.
IHNSW will continue to liaise with the NSW Office of Sport for updates, and eagerly await the outcomes of the National Cabinet meeting in the coming weeks which will discuss the future of community sport.
We are staying in touch with facilities and can report that some are taking the opportunity to carry out maintenance. We will continue to work with all rinks to ensure we can restart our sport as quickly and smoothly as possible once the authorities give us the green light.
As always, IHNSW would like to thank members for their patience and support – and we look forward to being able to provide an update on the season once it is available.
Yours Sincerely
Paul Kelly