For the information of Members, Clubs and Committees – IHNSW would like to provide clarification on the progress of the recommencement of the 2020 Winter Season.
We will re-start the season as soon as we are allowed and the rinks are open.
We are aware of various government and industry information such as the AIS Return to Sport Framework, and the recent announcements from Ice Hockey in other states regarding their ability to resume some activities. Ice Hockey Australia also sits on a national group of sporting organisations and government who meet weekly to provide support for both elite and grass roots sport as well as providing insights into constantly evolving government policy. IHA are providing guidance as they receive it. All this means that when given approval we will be able to re-start our sport in a way that mitigates risk to our members and reduces the risk that government forces us to shutdown in the future in response to outbreaks.
IHNSW are involved in regular Office of Sport and Ministerial updates on the progress of returning to play. Unfortunately – NSW Government COVID-19 restrictions still prohibit any indoor recreation facilities from reopening, and any local sporting competitions involving more than 10 people. (You can find more information on the current public health orders here: https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19/what-you-can-and-cant-do-under-rules under the heading Sport, pools and outdoor activities). The postponement of the season will remain in place until our Ice Rinks are able to reopen.
Please be assured that the 2020 Winter Season is not cancelled – IHNSW still intends to recommence the season once restrictions are lifted to a point that our competition can function. In the process of recommencing, considerations will need be given to the whatever current restrictions will be in place, availability of ice time, changes to teams entering each grade, and what the draw will look like moving forward.
We appreciate the eagerness of members and clubs to return to competition, and we look forward to your enthusiasm on the ice as soon as we are allowed to return.
Yours Sincerely
Paul Kelly