Following the Prime Minister’s address last night that due to COVID-19, all indoor sporting venues are to close as at 12 midday today (Monday 23rd March, 2020), effective immediately the IHNSW 2020 Winter Season has been postponed.
IHNSW will continue to follow the situation closely and liaise with all clubs when further information is available. This postponement will be reviewed in one month to discuss the most up to date advice from government, but we would expect that it would extend further from there until it is deemed appropriate for all members to return to normal activities.
IHNSW are seeking clarification and further information regarding registration refunds and we will advise clubs as soon as practicable. Please note there are several pieces of the puzzle with regards to refunds that are currently unknown and will need further clarification before the process can begin. This includes; how long the season is delayed, or if the season will be cancelled; how IHA and state members will handle the volume of requests; and what support government will be able to offer sporting organisations to ensure their viability into the future. We ask that our members are patient as we work through this and we will share updates as they become available.
We would like to acknowledge all clubs and teams who participated in Round 1 over the weekend. All reports indicate that the behaviour of all participants was excellent, and that all health and safety requirements were taken seriously and with a positive attitude. Congratulations to you all and thank you for your conduct in challenging circumstances. Well done!
IHNSW wishes all members, club committees and stakeholders the best during these unprecedented and anxious times. We look forward to recommencing Ice Hockey in NSW once it is clear that it will be safe for all members to do so.
Paul Kelly