New South Wales Ice Hockey Association Inc. Trading as 'Ice Hockey NSW'
IHNSW Return to Sport Update – 16 July

IHNSW Return to Sport Update – 16 July

Since the announcement of the return of community sport competitions and the IHNSW Winter season resumed in July – IHNSW, clubs and members have been working under the IHNSW Return to Sport guidelines to guide the behaviour of participants, rinks and other attendees while at Ice Hockey activities.

Please click below to download the current IHNSW Return to Sport guidelines – which include updates around the newly implemented restrictions on spectators numbers allowed at community sport activities and information from the Liverpool Catholic Club Sports Complex.


The most important thing at the moment is anyone who had been to a COVID-19 case location (view a full list at the website) should now be in isolation for 2 weeks and seeking testing. These people should not be returning to Ice Hockey activities until they have followed all NSW Health advice and have been cleared to resume.


As a result of the recent rising case numbers in NSW, NSW Health is updating the COVID-19 Safety Plans that Community Sport Organisations and Facilities must adhere to. Of note, sport and recreation organisations will be required to ‘take all reasonable steps to minimise the number of spectators attending community sport events’ – specifically one spectator for juniors and none for seniors.

This is a recommended restriction not a public health order at this stage, but it is now part of our document and should be adhered to where practical to do so.


IHA have provided information with regards to how we can best protect our officials, including rules in play around abuse of officials, spitting etc. These recommendations are around game play and officiating only and should be implemented on top of all other COVID Safe plans, it should not replace them. 


The Liverpool Ice Rink have advised that they have not been made aware of anyone with a positive case of COVID-19 having entered their premises. They have not been a part of any contact tracing investigations done by NSW Health. Should Ice Hockey NSW be made aware of any changes to this information, we will inform all clubs as soon as possible.


Unfortunately in NSW, we are currently in the middle of a spike in positive COVID-19 cases and it is clear that there are individuals, organisations and venues not adhering to the social distancing regulations that are part of Public Health Orders. IHNSW has received feedback and observed activities of some teams and participants which go against our guidelines, and are putting the future of our sport and the health of our members at risk.

All clubs and participants are reminded of the key points of the Return to Sport guidelines:

-Physical distancing of 1.5m is to be maintained at all times when not taking part in training or games (IE getting changed in a common area, team meetings, benches, spectating)

-Physical distancing is only relaxed for:
— Participants who are training or competing on the ‘field’ of play.
— Family members from the same household.
— When medical attention is required.

-No sharing of players equipment or match equipment between sessions or games (ie new pucks)

-No group gatherings or meetings before or after activities – always with appropriate social distancing

-Clubs and rinks are to ensure that the guidelines are adhered to throughout all activities.

-Zero tolerance for abuse of officials, or arguing with rink or club staff who are enforcing social distancing or the Return to Sport Guidelines.

We thank you for your hard work and co-operation as we strive to make Ice Hockey as enjoyable and safe as possible during COVID-19.