New South Wales Ice Hockey Association Inc. Trading as 'Ice Hockey NSW'
Category: <span>IHNSW</span>

2017 NSW Tange Team

The National Championships will be held in Adelaide from June 29th till 2nd July. The Team is as follows: Forwards:  Barton, James Bolger, Connor Good, Harrison Kwan, Calvin Lavery, Dylan Moncrieff, Thomas Nicholson, Pearcen Oultram, Bryn Ransome, Jack Rozenberg, Fredrik Sillato, Aiden Urweiss, James Defence:  Gunner, Joey Kim, Paul Moore, …

2017 Tange Squad Annoucement

The National Championships will be held in Adelaide from June 29th till 2nd July. The train on squad is as follows: Forwards: (To be finalised to 12 + reserves after 1st training) Barton, James Benjamin, Alberic Bolger, Connor Good, Harrison Kwan, Calvin Lavery, Dylan Moncrieff, Thomas Nicholson, Pearcen Oultram, Bryn Ransome, …