New South Wales Ice Hockey Association Inc. Trading as 'Ice Hockey NSW'
Amazon Summer League – EOI

Amazon Summer League – EOI

IHNSW is seeking expressions of interest from players to participate in the inaugural Amazon Summer League.  

Age group: This is a new competition open to females aged 14-20 years.

Games: 60 minute run time games held on Sundays from 07/11/21 to 12/12/21 (6 weeks) from 9.00 – 10.30 am. A final 7th game may be added. All games are held at Liverpool Catholic Club Ice Rink.

Training: Thursdays from 28/10/21 to 09/12/21 (7 weeks) 8.30 – 9.30pm held at Liverpool Catholic Club.  These may vary to accommodate players from Newcastle and Central Coast, to be advised.

Teams: 2 teams

Cost: $250 at registration, covers trainings and games.  IHNSW & IHA rego required.

Please register on the ESPORTSDESK LINK Here

EOI registration closes 15th October 2021.

Send enquiries to for any clarifications.

All NSW Public Health Orders in relation to Covid-19 will be followed, including the requirements for Vaccinations made by NSW Government and Rinks. IHNSW follows the principal of inclusivity with this league as it does for our Women’s leagues and AWIHL team.