New South Wales Ice Hockey Association Inc. Trading as 'Ice Hockey NSW'
2018 AGM and Awards Presentation
The 2018 IHNSW Annual General Meeting & Winter Season Awards Presentation is coming up next month. Details are below:WHEN – Sunday 25th November, 3.30pm Registration / AGM 4.00pm to 5.30pm including awardsWHERE – Sports House, 8 Parkview Drive, Sydney Olympic Park (free parking on site)The following Meeting Papers can be downloaded via the links below: AGM Notice and Agenda Proxy Form Nomination Form for Vice-President and Secretary Nomination form for the 4 Elected Executive Positions• Nominations for vacant positions must be received by post or email at the IHNSW office by 5.00pm Friday 16th November 2018• Proxy forms must be received by post or email at the IHNSW office by 5.00pm Thursday 22nd November 2018• All nominations must be signed by the Nominee, the Proposer and the Seconder, all of whom must be current members of Ice Hockey NSW as of October 25th 2018.