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IHNSW Update 25 September – Spectator Restrictions

For the information of all clubs and members – please see below updated IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines:


Following NSW Health’s and Office of Sport’s 24 September update for Community Sport activities, IHNSW now understands that the restrictions on spectators attending community sport (formerly 1 per junior, and none per senior) have been lifted from Saturday 26 September.

The latest NSW Health and Office of Sport information is located here:

Whilst this is great news, there is still a limit on numbers of spectators that can attend games. All community sport activities (indoor and outdoor) are capped at a maximum of 500pax, and in the case of indoor venues, the capacity limit is 4 square metres per person available space.

Clubs, participants and spectators MUST adhere to the rink conditions of entry, and follow all instructions from staff and club appointed COVID marshals. This may include being asked to wait outside as the venue is currently at capacity and no further spectators will be allowed entry until space becomes available.

We ask all participants to continue to minimise the number of spectators they bring to activities, to allow everyone the opportunity to have friends/family in attendance within the venue capacity restrictions.

Once inside the venue, all spectators and participants must continue to comply with the IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines and the rinks specific conditions of entry, including:

– 1.5m physical distancing at all times when not on the ice for people/groups not from the same household

– Participants should drive directly to the venue, compete, and then return to their homes following the activity – avoiding any social gatherings before or after the activity. There should be no car pooling or shared transport arrangements for participants not from the same household.

– all normal hygiene protocols are in place and being enforced

-All participants and visitors adhering to rink conditions of entry, sign in processes, contact tracing recording methods, temperature checks

There is no tolerance for abuse of rink staff or COVID marshals and anyone found to have done so will be called to an IHNSW tribunal to face possible suspension from future activities.

Further information and resources can be found under the COVID-19 Information heading on the website – top right corner

IHNSW Resources and latest information

Please see the latest IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines, including the most up to date information and implementation of recommendations received by NSW Health in August.

IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines v6

Participants must adhere to all IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines, the IHNSW COVID Safety Plan, the rink conditions of entry and any club COVID Safety processes. Participants should expect to see club COVID Marshals at activities, reminding everyone to adhere to the guidelines provided, including:
-Minimising of spectator numbers to one person per junior and no spectators for seniors
-Social distancing at all times when not on the ice
-All participants and visitors adhering to rink conditions of entry, sign in processes, contact tracing recording methods, temperature checks
-Participants to arrive, play, and depart quickly after activities

Games can proceed with inter-regional players and teams.

Participants should drive directly to the venue, compete, and then return to their homes following the activity – avoiding any social gatherings before or after the activity. There should be no car pooling or shared transport arrangements for participants not from the same household.

IHNSW and all clubs have met, discussed and agree to work hard to implement best practises across the board for the safety of our members, and to ensure the season can continue.

Further information and resources can be found under the COVID-19 Information heading on the website – top right corner

IHNSW COVID Safe Resources – 18 August

For the information of all clubs and members – please see below updated IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines:


IHNSW would also like to provide signage and social media graphics to assist clubs in messaging to participants at training and games:


As an indoor sport, it’s important that we continue to stay vigilant at all times. IHNSW recommends having club representatives act as ‘COVID Safe Hygiene Marshalls’ where possible, to oversee activities on and off ice and guide people to do the right thing where required.

We recommend all clubs, participants and spectators familiarise themselves with the IHNSW Return to Sport Guidelines, and especially ensure that we:

  1. Keep physical distancing at all times when not on the ice
  2. Arrive ready to play and depart quickly after
  3. Practise good hand hygiene
  4. Adhere to all venue conditions of entry
  5. No sharing of equipment
  6. No spitting or clearing of the nose on the ice
  7. Reduce spectator numbers to none or one person per participant where possible
  8. Encourage everyone to stay at home if feeling unwell or have been in close contact with a positive COVID case or reported case location

Please continue to follow IHNSW’s website news and social media for more information